02 September 2010

Compare / contrast 6 months to 22 years

One final post before this edition goes to the publisher.   As a timeframe, I'm writing this a little over a week after Logan was born.

In the next few months you'll begin to see Logan's personality develop.  He'll have great character attributes and some that aren't so great.  A few years ago when I was ripping our VHS tapes to DVDs, part of the process involved watching the videos to I could edit them correctly.  While watching the video of you and Joel's first Christmas, I was struck to see personality traits of a 6 month old that remained evident in those same children 22 years later.

One of the tricks (to keeping your sanity as well as child rearing) is to recognize which personality traits are 'real' and which are a passing fad or a reflection of the age of your child.  That's where Godly wisdom comes in handy.  Acknowledge the good traits and encourage those,  recognize the not so good traits and address those as appropriate.  And the passing ones?  Ignore, enjoy, laugh at, but don't get too worked up over them.