06 April 2010

Never babysit your kids

This helpful hint came from your mom.  Never babysit your kids.  That doesn't mean you're not responsible for taking care of the kids, it just means that you as a father are not a babysitter.  I suppose that could be correlated to the difference between a shepherd and a hired hand.  The shepherd has a vested interested in the flock, the hired hand is just interested in the buck.

So....babysit other kids, but never your own.

A closely related item to this (again from Mom) is to help with everything.  There is no job that is "the mom's" job.  You can do diapers, bath, feeding, etc.  That comes from experience since your mom and I fed you every two to three hours for the first six months of your life.  Very little sleep for either one of us.

 Oddly enough, there is a 'husband's" only job, at least during the pregnancy - emptying the cat box.  But I believe there is a health reason for that one.

As well, I've been told from a reliable source (your mom) that wives find husbands very sexy when they're doing the dishes, ironing, etc.  And that's always a good thing.

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