16 March 2010

Enjoy your kids being kids

I was reminded of this story when Mom was talking with Joel earlier this week.

When you all (Joel and Jonathan) were very young, still in diapers and cribs, Mom put you two down for your afternoon nap one day and after a few moments of commotion and then quiet, she figured you all were asleep.  After your reasonable sleep time Mom entered the room to a big surprise.  There you two were asleep in your own cribs, with your respective diapers removed and laying up by your head.  Not so bad.  The poo smeared all over the wall and thrown around the room, though?  Not so good.

Mom was able to take pictures of you two (none posted here, yet) before she got upset, woke you up, and reprimanded the behavior.

What to learn?  Yeah, it's a pain to clean up a mess like that but you were babies.  And babies like to explore things.  Everything.

Lots more stories we could share, but remember to enjoy your kids at whatever stage they are in even when the behavior may be *immature*....enjoy feeding them, burping them, washing them, reading to them, playing games with them, listening to them read, helping them with homework, lending them the keys to the car, getting beaten at games by them, seeing them get married, have kids, etc., etc.

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