30 March 2010

Tale of the "POO" reprise

I remember the telling of the tale of the "poo". But another I vividly recall was that your dad's brother discovered a way to "pee" without leaving his room OR bed. The Headboard was a metal frame. The post had caps on them. Removing the cap, Uncle Jack used the post void to "void" and replaced the cap. Soon the distinctive odor of urine began to come from his room. Then we discovered a puddle of rusty water under that post. Stern corrective word were issued and out of both of your hearing and sight MeMee and I had a great laugh. Remember the Scout motto of "Be Prepared" and expect your kids to surprise you in original and challenging ways. It's part of the vaulted title of PARENT and life with your children is to short to spend it upset over the small stuff.

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