06 May 2010

Actions have consequences

One lesson that every child has to learn is that actions have consequences. As your child gains experience in the world around them they need this valuable instruction. Now some would look at this in a negative sense - eg. bad behavior will result in some type of correction or punishment. The positive aspect is that good behavior results in good things.

When your Dad was growing up there was a "board of education" that was used to reward bad behavior. His brother frequently got "educated"! Your father, being the observant type, quickly learned that bad behavior had consequences. Therefore, he seldom had to be "educated"!

Now how do you apply this gem in your child raising? When your child does something "good", reward that behavior with praise and sometimes a special privilege. If the child mis-behaves, first time tell the child that this particular action is not acceptable. [Age appropriate instruction at this juncture]. And tell the child that such behavior in the future will be punished. And at the next infraction apply the punishment. Sounds a bit stern but life can be hard and second chances don't always happen.

What kind of punishment you ask? Again "Age appropriate". A warmed up rear end, sent to bed early, with holding of privileges, time out in the corner. The older the child the more intense the punishment. But after the consequences have been handed out, take that child in your arms with a great hug and kiss and tell them how much you love them and want only the best for them.

Assure them that you are correcting them because you love them.

Proverbs 22:6 says:
TRAIN UP A CHILD in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

This is a promise from God's word that is true and timeless. Notice the qualifier [when he is old].
When the road of parenting seems rocky, remember God's promise. Your responsibility is to TRAIN UP your child and trust the Lord for the results.

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