09 May 2010

The sidelines is not the place to be

Many of the thoughts in this blog have or will talk about being involved in your kids’ lives, activities, etc.  I think you are well aware of that by example from your mom and I - involvement in school activities, scouts, church, your friends, etc.

The difference I want to point out is that of being involved in your kids’ lives and involving them in your activities vs. just being present and thinking that’ll cut it.

A positive example from my childhood is Mee-mee and Paw-paw’s involvement with their kids through various church activities.  As far back as I can remember they volunteered to be weeklong camp counselors at Falls Creek, our church camp.  Even beyond that Paw-paw helped out.  I remember spending a spring break working at Falls Creek with him to clean up our cabin including wading around in the leach-infested creek that ran in front of it (to clean it, not just give blood).  That was a lot of fun and a way for us to work together and be involved together.

On the flip side of things, I also recall many a cold night standing outside while Paw-paw worked on the car and I held a light or handed him a tool.  Paw-paw has always been great at fixing pretty much anything and cars were no exception.  But rather than getting us kids really involved, we stood on the sidelines and watched.  I hold no hard feelings from this; it’s just the way it was.  Rather I observed, recalled, and used that as a learning experience (note Paw-paw’s post about the ‘board of education’).

I’ll also use this post as a reminder to myself as a granddad, to be involved in the grandkids’ lives, not just be around them in the same physical location. 

Feel free to hold me to that.

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