04 July 2010

Be a super model, not a talking head.

While how we talk is important, without backing it up with actions, the words are hollow.  Don’t just talk about how you should act, respond, behave.  Don’t just talk about your beliefs, value system, and worldview; act on it and demonstrate it.  

The most important thing in your life and your kids’ lives is a relationship with Jesus Christ.  Make sure they see the value you place on this by your behavior, the actions you take, how you spend your time, where you spend your money, and of course the words you say. 

Demonstrate how to be a great husband by being a great husband - not just talking about it.  Same with being a good citizen, neighbor, employee, etc.

Another case in point from your lives as kids.  You know your mom and I really like the Boy Scout program.  Had we just taken you to scout meetings every week, sent you on campouts each month, and paid for summer camp each summer, you would not have understood how fully we valued it – that’s why Mom and I were leaders in the cub scout packs and troops for so many years (full disclosure: Mom got involved before I did).  We calculated one year that on average each of us spent over 60 hours a month volunteering in the Scout program.  That’s not said to sound our own horn but to provide an example of modeling not just talking.

So be a super model - just without the catwalk.

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