20 July 2010

Yin-yang = parenting

Yin yang applies to a great deal of parenting.  While thinking about various items to post, or thoughts I've already posted, I was considering that all of what we do as parents needs to be approached from the perspective life is interconnected – you can’t compartmentalize things. 
Huh?  A few examples -
On the one hand, take the long view of life and don’t get excited about inconsequential problems, annoyances, events, etc.  On the other hand, take advantage of every positive moment or opportunity that presents itself as though they will never happen again - enjoy the little blessings of life.
On the one hand, let your kids be kids, don’t make them grow up too fast.  On the other hand, raise them with the intent to be independent adults (more on this later).
On the one hand, model being a servant by doing chores around the house, picking up after others, cleaning the kitchen when you had nothing to do with getting it dirty.  On the other hand, teach your kids responsibility by assigning them chores that they’re responsible for and suffering the consequences of not doing them when they’re supposed to.
On the one hand, invest your life in your kids and teach them and train them as best you know how.  On the other hand, leave the results completely up to God as your kids have as much free will as you do and can decide what to respond to and what not to respond to.

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