18 July 2010

Take the long view of life

Eventually I’ll include a post about Yin and Yang, and this post falls right into that.  

On the one hand, take advantage of every moment you have with your kids, wife, family, etc.  Don’t put off tomorrow what game you can play with your kids today, or other fun project, task, or activity you and your kids can do.

On the other hand, while in the volume of eternity are lives are but a tweet, you will have a long life ahead of you and there’s very little happening in the day to day that necessitates getting really upset about or straining or severing relationships.  If your son breaks a favorite knick-knack, remember it’s just a thing; if you’re late for church because of some typical family disorganization or miscommunication, getting all out of sorts is not create a wormhole so you can restart and be on time.

Also discipline not for the moment but for the long term.  Consider if the behavior being exhibited by your kids at the moment is an inconvenience to you or really is something that needs to be corrected.

I’m not saying take a lackadaisical attitude towards life, on the contrary, be responsible, prompt, considerate, etc. but remember you’re going to have many more years with your kids as adults than as kids, so enjoy the kid times and know they’re just another tweet in your life.

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